
90 lines
2.6 KiB

import strformat
import parseopt
import osproc
import posix
import linux
import os
# should be in the linux module but seems to be missing
const CLONE_NEWUSER = 0x10000000'i32
# c bindings
proc unshare(flag: cint): cint {.importc, header: "<sched.h>"}
proc mount(source: cstring, target: cstring, filesystemtype: cstring,
mountflags: culong, data: pointer): cint {.importc, header:"<sys/mount.h>"}
GID_MAP = "/proc/self/gid_map"
UID_MAP = "/proc/self/uid_map"
proc virtiofsd(paths: seq[string]): Pid =
let uid = getuid()
let gid = getgid()
let pid = fork()
if pid < 0:
raise newException(OSError, "Fork failed")
if pid > 0:
# we are the parent
return pid
# create new mount namespace
if unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER or CLONE_NEWNS) != 0:
raise newException(OSError, "Unshare failed")
# map our uid to root
writeFile(UID_MAP, &"0 {uid} 1")
writeFile(GID_MAP, &"0 {gid} 1")
# create a tmpfs in /var/run so virtiofsd can write there
if mount(cstring("tmpfs"), cstring("/var/run"), cstring("tmpfs"), 0, cstring("")) != 0:
raise newException(OSError, "Mount failed")
# start a virtiofsd process for each mount
var procs {.threadvar.}: seq[Process]
for i, path in paths:
command = "/usr/lib/qemu/virtiofsd",
args = @[&"--socket-path=/tmp/mount.{i}.sock", "-o", &"source={path}"],
options = {poParentStreams}
for process in procs:
for process in procs:
discard waitForExit(process)
proc qemu*(args: OptParser) =
let childPid = virtiofsd(@["/tmp", "/home"])
let qemu = startProcess(
command = "qemu-system-x86_64",
options = {poParentStreams, poUsePath},
args = @[
"-enable-kvm", "-cpu", "host", "-m", "512m", "-smp", "2",
"-kernel", "/home/martin/code/qemu/build-image/image/vmlinuz-linux",
"-append", "earlyprintk=ttyS0 console=ttyS0 root=/dev/vda rw quiet",
"-initrd" , "/home/martin/code/qemu/build-image/image/initramfs-linux-custom.img",
"-m", "4G", "-object", "memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=4G,mem-path=/dev/shm,share=on", "-numa", "node,memdev=mem",
"-device", "virtio-rng-pci",
"-bios", "/usr/share/qemu/qboot.rom",
"-drive", "if=virtio,file=/home/martin/code/qemu/build-image/image/image.qcow2",
"-netdev", "user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22",
"-device", "virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0",
"-nodefaults", "-no-user-config", "-nographic",
"-serial", "stdio"
discard waitForExit(qemu)
#discard kill(childPid, SIGTERM)
#discard waitPid(childPid,cast[var cint](nil),0)